The New Official Trailer for Blue Lock sports anime has been launched, and it has given us plenty of information on the upcoming anime. First of all, they finally gave us an official release date which is 8th October, but they also had a surprise in bag for the blue lock manga fans. The 8 Bit studio will launch the first two episodes on 23rd September around the world.
The Blue Lock Trailer shows promising animation and special effects, you will see Yoichi Isagi our MC and other Blue Lock players playing football in the trailer. If the animation studio can keep up with this quality of animation throughout the season, then you can expect a masterpiece by 8 Bits Studio. The trailer has an intense aura around it as the players use their ego to display their skills, the football fans who love anime will be in awe of this story once it comes out.
You are also treated with the Opening Song called “Chaos ga Kiwamaru” which translates to Chaos Reigns, it is produced by Unison Square Garden who are quiet well known and famous.
A Tale of football where the Japan’s Football Federation tries to find a perfect ace striker, someone who can turn the game in few seconds and win them the match. Jinpachi Ego plays a huge role in this story as the coach who believes that the reason Japan are lacking back is because they miss an egoistic striker. A prison like facility called “Blue Lock” is created by the JFF, where they test 300 youngsters to find the perfect striker! But the ones who aren’t selected won’t get a chance to be a part of the team forever.
What to expect from the Blue Lock Anime?
The Manga is written by Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Illustrated by Yuusuke Nomura is one of the best selling mangas in Japan, the blue lock fans are exhilarated by the news of the anime coming closer and closer. Sports Anime is a different breed because they don’t have a limited audience as people who play and have played the sport in the past, watch the anime to enjoy the sport they love.
Knowing its 8 Bits studio and the hype created, you can expect around 20 to 25 Episodes in the first season. It’s been said that Blue Lock will overshadow Haikyuu as the best new age sports anime, that’s something which may happen if the anime lives up to its hype.
There’s also “Ao Ashi” an ongoing football anime, which is quiet well received by the fans. But if Blue Lock gets crazy response in the first season its no brainer that it will destroy Ao Ashi and be the Best new age football anime. By the response of the Manga, we can surely say that Blue Lock has the potential to become one of the Top Sports Anime of All time! You, can expect the anime to roll on Crunchyroll, Funimation and Netflix, the wait is getting shorter and we can’t wait for the Blue Lock Season to start.