Kaiju No 8 is one of the highest selling manga in Japan, the creator Naoya Matsumoto was inspired by Neon Genesis Evangelion anime series. The Manga has a very huge fandom and they were waiting for an anime announcement, then TOHO animation released a promotional teaser for Kaiju No 8! This sent the Otakus in frenzy as the scenes in the short teaser make them excited for the whole series. The Anime will have two animation giants working on the first season, the I.G productions who have worked on Psycho Pass, Haikyuu, and Ghost in Shell. The other one is Khara Studios, and their work will be to work on the art and Kaiju designs for the anime. If you are a fan of Neon Genesis Evangelion anime series, then you should be happy as Studio Khara is the one responsible for it.
Kaiju No 8 manga had around 30 million views in the first year of its release in 2022 in Shonen Jump. It became the fastest Shonen Manga to do this, it has over 10 million copies in circulation by now and has some of the best character designs in the manga. Kaiju No 8 also managed to win the Best New Manga award at the Tokyo New Manga Awards in 2021. It also earned international recognition when it was nominated for the Best U.S Edition of International Material.
What is shown in the Kaiju No 8 Teaser?
He Teaser starts with a catchy rock theme, and you see that it’s pouring heavily as hell. A Puddle of Water trembles indicating that there Is something Gigantic walking on the surface of the city, you see people running around in fear but there is one man standing with his back towards the screen. The Buildings have collapsed and there’s rumble everywhere, that’s when you see the MC Kafka Hibino in the scene standing staring at the destruction. Then you see a scene of the Monster standing in the destroyed buildings and turns around and stares at you with its glowing eyes! It’s Kaiju the Monster!
When will the Kaiju No 8 Anime Release?
When TOHO Animation Studio released the teaser for Kaiju No 8, at the end they stated that it will released sometime in 2024, that’s almost one year from now if you count out the ongoing December. So, the fans who are going Gaga over the anime news need to wait a bit, but it’s a given that the anime will be a super hit. So, let’s hope the wait is worth it.