In the world of anime, the fandoms know how huge the “Dragon Ball” franchise is, it was created by Akira Toriyama who is a well-known master in the manga world. Toriyama is a mangaka who keeps inventing new characters and works, one of them is Sand Land released in Weekly Shonen Jump in the early 2000s. The manga was overshadowed by the Dragon Ball Z manga by the same creator, and that’s why I never got the love it deserved. Toriyama’s Sand Land manga became a victim of his own success with the Dragon Ball franchise, but that didn’t stop Toriyama from creating Sand Land.
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Bandai Namco a well-known animation studio just announced a piece of news teasing a glimpse of Sand Land on their official Youtube and Twitter accounts! Toriyama’s fans were happy as they thought maybe the manga is getting an anime adaptation, and they can have more content from their favorite creator. Bandai didn’t reveal the full details of what this teaser was about, but they are going to reveal it on the 17th of December 2022.
The Sand Land manga is about a world that is fully desert, both the demons and humans suffer a shortage of water to survive. Now instead of fighting each other, they decide to help each other and try to survive by finding a plan. Beezlebub, the MC decides to embark on a journey to find the Phantom Lake in this vast desert, he takes the small-town sheriff, Rao with him on this adventure. Watch them go through all kinds of problems and villains while they try to find the mysterious Phantom Lake.
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We all know that Toriyama has created a fandom of billions, so if the Sand Land manga is getting an anime adaptation, then there won’t be a shortage of people to watch it. The fandom would support anything that Toriyama launches, and this early 2000s action-comedy series will be a delight to watch! So, what do you think, will Sand Land get an anime series soon in 2023? Comment down and let us know.