The Naruto: Sasuke Retsuden Novel is written by Jun Esaka and it explores the relationship of Sasuke and Sakura, the couple never got a proper chance to show their love in the original Naruto anime. Sasuke Retsuden was first released as a light novel that shows us the journey of Sasuke when he leaves the leaf village, but now the kishimoto decided to adapt it into a manga. The manga was written by Jun Esaka and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto! The manga went on to become a huge success, the reason for Sasuke and his untold stories. The fans wanted to have more closure on the relationship between Sasuke and Sakura which always looked like a one-sided love story, but in the retsuden manga you will see how much love Sasuke had for Sakura.
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But now there is even a greater news for the Naruto fans, as the Sasuke Retsuden manga will be adapted into an anime! But it doesn’t mean that they will create an entire series based on the manga, it will just be added into the “Boruto: Next Generations” franchise. The first part will be shown in episode 282 : Sasuke Retsuden: Infiltration ,and the episode 283 will be called Sasuke Retsuden: Star lines. This news has been leaked and it is not official, but we can give you certainty that it’s a trusted source.
In the Retsuden Manga, Naruto has been postponed by an enemy and that’s why Sasuke embarks on a journey to find an antidote which can be only found in a prison. Sasuke Uchiha infiltrates this prison for his friend, and tries to bring the medicine to save Naruto. So far the manga has released just 6 chapters on Viz Media, you can read them for free or get more access at a paid subscription.
The fandom is loving Sasukes story because they felt he was not given enough light in the manga, it shows us a very human side of Sasuke that he was always hesitant to display. You see what kind of father and husband Sasuke is in the Retsuden Manga and Novel, the whole story will be covered in a 3 episode carnival for Naruto fans. Once done, it will be available on Crunchyroll for everyone. Are you excited for the news of Sasuke Retsuden Manga getting adapted into an anime?
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